The frenutolomiya essence (surgery of a bridle of a prepuce of a penis) consists in section of a bridle to prevent its rupture or developing of bleedings during sexual intercourse.

What is a penis bridle?

The bridle of a penis represents the site of skin where the prepuce (prepution) connects to a head of a bottom side of a penis. Too short bridle forces a head of the member to be bent unnaturally.

Scarlet fever is very infectious infectious disease. The bacteria causing it are transmitted through the smallest drops of saliva and can cause a pharyngalgia, rash and fever.

Scarlet fever meets at children more often, than at adults. Usually with it children aged from six up to twelve years get sick. This disease can arise at any age.

Infectious diseases can be caused by various activators.

Treat them: bacteria, viruses, fungi. The infection means that the microorganism (disease-producing factor) gets into a human body and in it breeds. Depending on the activator the disease can develop in several days or within weeks, months and even years.

The intimate plasticity is rather young and gaining popularity field of esthetic gynecology which is engaged in restoration or improvement of function and outward of female generative organs.

The esthetic surgery is generally directed to treatment of physical or mental dysfunctions which worsen full-fledged sexual life in addition to daily complaints. Existence of the increased, deformed or asymmetric vulvar lips can be more, than just cosmetic problem. From pain at sex to recurrent infections. And the hypertrophy of vulvar lips can become very problematic state.

Kolposkopiya is a fast and painless procedure which is carried out on gynecologic survey. Thanks to this method it is possible to find cellular changes of a neck of uterus which need to be investigated in laboratory.

At suspicion on disorder of nervous system it is necessary to see a doctor surely.

Neurologists study diseases of a nervous system of an organism which is subdivided into the central nervous system (CNS) which is consisting of a head and spinal cord, and peripheral, including external nerves of extremities and a trunk and also nervous roots and cranial nerves. As a nervous system is responsible for signaling from a brain on all body, at neurologic inspection the doctor checks all parts of a body and their movement. This long, but painless inspection.

Pregnancy is time of continuous development and changes for mother and the child. Regular surveys serve in order that monitor development of the child and health of mother.

Inspections give the chance to work in due time in case of problems from the beginning of pregnancy till first days of life of the newborn. 

Glucose and metabolites of carbohydrate metabolism are the main sources in provision of energy of an organism.

The glycemia is a concentration of glucose or sugar in blood. The value of the glycemic index can vary depending on: time of day, meal, age, sex and other features of the person.

To learn what level of glucose in blood, it is necessary to make blood test.

To learn normal value of level of sugar in blood, measurement needs to be taken in the morning and before a breakfast.

False short-sightedness represents an accommodation spasm (focusing of eyes) which does not allow to weaken easily an organ of sight at a look afar.

Diagnostics of a spasm of accommodation is carried out by medicamentous test-tsikloplegii (the test for need of correction of sight), after use of eye drops which expand a pupil and also relax a tsiliarny muscle of an eye estimate visual acuity. If short-sightedness is not confirmed - it is false short-sightedness. The accommodation spasm often happens at children and teenagers less often at adults. According to the statistics every sixth school student suffers from this frustration.

Dacryagogue, cold, stuffy nose or rash after contact with an animal? The allergy to hair of animals can be the cause!

Allergy reasons

In case of an allergy the immune system reacts to actually harmless substances (allergens). He mistakenly distinguishes allergen as menacing and counteracts the exaggerated defense reaction. The immune system forms antibodies and releases a large number of a histamine. It causes allergic symptoms, such as cold, itch and rash.

In case of an allergy to hair of animals the organism reacts not to hair of an animal, and to the components supporting squirrels in saliva, sweat, skin fat or animal urine.

Andrology – the little-known direction in urology which is engaged in reproductive functions of men and their disturbances. It is possible to tell that the andrology is a men's equivalent of gynecology.

In what a difference between andrology and urology?

Andrology – the little-known direction in urology which is engaged in reproductive functions of men and their disturbances. It is possible to tell that the andrology is a men's equivalent of gynecology.

Urologists and andrologists are considered as the male doctors studying anatomy and physiology of bodies of the man.

Traumatology orthopedics — the section of medicine which is engaged in diagnostics and treatment of inflammatory processes and functional disturbances of diseases of a musculoskeletal system, rehabilitation and prevention after injuries.

Age range of patients with disturbances of a musculoskeletal system is extremely wide – from newborns to people of old age. It puts before the modern doctor the traumatologist-orthopedist the requirement of a wide range of professional skills and knowledge, the higher medical education, postgraduate training in a number of medical specialties. You can address such specialist in our clinic!