Infectious diseases can be caused by various activators.

Treat them: bacteria, viruses, fungi. The infection means that the microorganism (disease-producing factor) gets into a human body and in it breeds. Depending on the activator the disease can develop in several days or within weeks, months and even years.

Symptoms at which consultation of the infectiologist is necessary

Symptoms of an infection depend first of all on what pathogen got to an organism and what structures of an organism he attacks. The general symptoms are caused not by the activator, and caused by reaction of the immune system. Treat typical general symptoms of infectious diseases:

1. Constant feeling of fatigue, weakness.
2. Fast fatigue.
3. Insomnia.
4. Fever (body temperature is above 38.3-38.5 °C) and fever.
5. Pain (especially headache and body pains).
6. Loss of appetite, indisposition.
7. Hypostasis (for example the swelled-up tonsils at tonsillitis).
8. Spasms in a stomach.
9. Pain and burning during urination.
10. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.

Presence of these symptoms demonstrate that you should visit the infectiologist. 

Prevention of infections

For the purpose of prevention of infections the crucial role is played by three factors: strong immune system, measures of hygiene and existence of inoculations.

Observance of these factors are crucial for strengthening of immunity:

1. Healthy food.
2. Sufficient exercise stress.
3. Quiet dream.
4. Absence of a constant stress.
5. Abstention from smoking and excessive alcohol intake.

Measures of hygiene consist mainly in observance of the following recommendations:

1. Regular and careful washing of hands.
2. Airing, regular household hygiene.
3. Respect for hygiene in cooking time.
4. The use only the peeled drinking water.

Inoculations provide the most effective protection against this or that infection. Entering vaccine, the organism builds the protective mechanism for fast elimination of the "real" pathogens and protection against the actual infectious disease.