Prevention of diseases - pledge of a healthy organism

Annual preventive inspection plays very important role in timely diagnostics of various diseases at early stages. It is easier to prevent the majority of diseases, than to treat for this reason in many companies annual medical examination which you can always independently undergo is provided.

Any chronic disease which treatment was not carried out in due time involves complications and unpleasant consequences. Thrombophlebitis is a typical consequence of a varicosity which is followed by formation of blood clots and is directly connected with process of inflammation of a vascular wall. Appearance of thrombophlebitis is followed by emergence of pain.

Causes and ways of treatment

Remember that than earlier you pay attention to problems with foot when emergence of cones was only outlined, early diagnostics allows to get rid of "stones" quicker and more without serious consequences.

In case, education causes pain, does not allow to move fully, and insoles and gymnastics help to lower only pain, without changing a clinical picture in general – ask for the help the traumatologist-orthopedist immediately.

Statistically the thrombophlebitis reason - varicosity meets at every third woman

Thrombophlebitis is a complication and a negative consequence of a varicosity and consists in formation of blood clot and the inflammatory process of a vascular wall connected with it a current. Thrombophlebitis is an already not just esthetic problem, this disease which is followed painful syndromes and can lead to a blood clot separation.

Diseases of a backbone and musculoskeletal system, diabetes and pregnancy – conditions of our organism which complicate our activity. About when really it is impossible to train and when the physical culture helps to recover.

Each of us made blood test at least once in life, but what it shows?! In this article we will consider indicators of the general analysis:


The main function of hemoglobin consists in function of transportation of oxygen from lungs to fabrics and bodies and also the help in removal of carbon dioxide from an organism.
The lowered indicators of hemoglobin can testify to anemia, blood loss, the concealed internal hemorrhage, to damage of internals.
It can raise at some types of heart diseases, including insufficiency, at diseases of blood and even dehydration.

What do we know about our bearing and as it affects health of our musculoskeletal system in the future?

Even if just to look at a pose of the person, his bearing, level of physical activity, to estimate features of work and food – it is possible to tell what in the future can trap him backbone diseases.
Features of our professional activity influence a condition of a backbone and development of diseases.

Sometimes, to cope with a headache and to relax, it is enough to have a rest, take a bath, to walk in the fresh air or just to relax under favourite music. But it happens and so that the headache does not pass and becomes a problem.

6 simple steps for health of your joints

Arthrosis, osteoarthrosis, osteoarthritis — names of diseases at which development the joint cartilage collapses. Often these diseases progress with age.

Unfortunately, these diseases chronic and are not present today a universal way as to cure them completely. However, as in a case and with many other progressing and recurrent illnesses destruction of an articulate cartilage it is possible to slow down and carry out the correct prevention to prevent.

Today on the Internet, it is possible to find a set of different information on advantage of the most various vitamins in fashionable magazines and editions, from vitamin A to zinc. Today we want to discredit the most popular myths about vitamins and their correct use.

Let's understand one after another. What it is possible to consider a back? The surface of a back can be limited to two conditional lines: the top line passes through an acantha of the seventh cervical vertebra, lower – on ileal crests of haunch bones, from a sacrum to a tailbone on each side. The back includes two, so-called, anatomic areas – chest department and lumbar.