False short-sightedness represents an accommodation spasm (focusing of eyes) which does not allow to weaken easily an organ of sight at a look afar.

Diagnostics of a spasm of accommodation is carried out by medicamentous test-tsikloplegii (the test for need of correction of sight), after use of eye drops which expand a pupil and also relax a tsiliarny muscle of an eye estimate visual acuity. If short-sightedness is not confirmed - it is false short-sightedness. The accommodation spasm often happens at children and teenagers less often at adults. According to the statistics every sixth school student suffers from this frustration.

Tsiliarny muscle

The Tsiliarny muscle is capable to control a crystalline lens and to change its form, providing accurate sight both on close, and in a long distance. When you look at something far, the muscle relaxes and when you look at something close, the muscle is reduced. The focusing point is closer, the muscle is reduced stronger. The accommodation spasm also arises at excessive reduction of a tsiliarny muscle.

Whether it is possible to cure false short-sightedness?

It is possible if to limit the frequency of reduction of a tsiliarny muscle, as a result she will relax, and symptoms of short-sightedness will disappear.

There are several options to reduce the frequency of reduction of a tsiliarny muscle:

1. avoid work at the computer, for a long time without interruption;
2. you spend more time on the street, looking afar;
3. eye drops – atropine help to relax a tsiliarny muscle. They are also the proved effective way of delay of progressing of short-sightedness at children. Medicine can be bought according to the recipe of the doctor;
4. acceptable level of visual acuity can be supported by glasses wearing (even if they are not necessary) — it can help. In this case points work as the "return" short-sightedness medicine. The Tsiliarny muscle will remain in the weakened situation, looking at close objects.