Erectile Dysfunction

For a long time myths are discredited that problems with a potentiality happen only at men of advanced age. Today urologists even more often in the daily medical practice face need to establish the reasons and to find ways of restoration of a potentiality at young patients. Modern technologies and methods of treatment of erectile dysfunction (impotence) at timely diagnostics allow to improve quality of sexual life of the man significantly.

Erectile dysfunction is a repeating state which is characterized by disturbance of quality of an erection, impossibility to support or reach it in the degree necessary for full sexual intercourse.

The term "erectile dysfunction" was entered in 1992 when the American National Institute of health care suggested to use it as more expanded concept, than "impotence". According to the WHO data (World Health Organization) leaning on numerous authoritative world researches every tenth man at the age of 21-29, in 30–35 years — every fifth, in 40–70 years — almost every second complains of erectile disturbances. Problem scales are that for today, and according to forecasts of experts in the next 25 years these figures can double.