The earlier cancer will be found, the more simply it can be cured. There are many types of cancer with various symptoms. Diagnostic methods, respectively, are various.

If the woman is dissatisfied with the intimate zone, then it can negatively influence her everyday life.

Labioplasty; the procedure in intimate surgery which is engaged in correction of vulvar lips. An operative measure guarantees low surgical risk and long-term result which will help to return to the patient interest in life.

Prenatal diagnostics includes the voluntary examinations conducted before childbirth. Uses of various methods will help to reveal existence of anomalies of a fruit at future child on early terms.

What opportunities does prenatal diagnostics give?

"Healthy kid!" always was the main wish of all future parents. Modern prenatal diagnostics gives the chance to obtain exact information on development of the kid. This diagnostics serves for identification of disturbances of development and anomalies at future child at an early stage to have an opportunity to begin treatment and to prevent complications.

A number of activators is capable to affect development of future child negatively. Protect yourself from infections and strengthen the immunity by means of a healthy lifestyle.
The correct conducting pregnancy plays an important role in fetation and warns against dangers which can arise at pregnant women.

Especially in an embryonal phase there is a risk of development of heart diseases or a brain, a vision disorder or hearing at the kid. In case of infection after the 18th week of pregnancy the risk of a malformation considerably decreases.

Today the medicine offers a large number of procedures, one of which is restoration of a hymen. Operation is called hymenorrhaphy.

Many do it for the religious or moral reasons. Let's understand what features of carrying out this operation consist in.

Hymenorrhaphy is a surgery on restoration of a hymen. The procedure is low-invasive, does not cause any complications and is held under local anesthesia.

Preparation for vaccination for adults:

1. WHO recommends to adhere hypoallergenic (an exception of a diet of citrus products, chocolate, etc.) diets in 2 weeks prior to performing vaccination, such diet allows immunity to react correctly to vaccine, and the irregular chair and frequent constipations increase risk of side reactions
2. refrain from intake of any alcoholic beverages in 2-3 days prior to an inoculation
3. before vaccination it is impossible to overeat

Important! Before vaccination reception and survey of the therapist, also perhaps purposes of the general blood test is necessary

After operation hypostasis and bruises can remain for some time. Process of healing is gradual and takes several months before the result of operation can be finally estimated.

It is important to know that recovery time after each operation varies individually. In the first few days after correction of vulvar lips it is necessary to take care of himself. Take only the anesthetizing drugs appointed to you and do not take the medicine containing aspirin or other anticoagulants.

In case of blood circulation disturbance blood cannot freely flow on vessels any more. It can suddenly occur or gradually develop.

Especially often disturbances of blood circulation affect legs, a foot, a hand and a brush. Typical symptoms are pallor of skin in the struck area, pricking and pain during physical exercises. Noticed these symptoms at themselves? 
Reasons and symptoms of disturbance of blood circulation
At fabric blood circulation disturbance, the bodies or extremities supplied by the struck vessels receive less oxygen and nutrients. Besides, end products of metabolism, such as carbon dioxide, are transported more slowly.

What is vaccination?

Vaccination or inoculations is one of the most effective methods for immunoprevention which helps to provide the high level of security and adults and children to such heavy infections as hepatitis. Tuberculosis, tetanus, whooping cough, diphtheria, rubella, poliomyelitis, measles, parotitis, meningococcal and hemophilic infections, flu and others. According to the statistics of the World Association of Health care (WHO) more than 4500000 children annually become disabled people because of infections with these diseases.

Fluorographic research - a diagnostic method which allows to find diseases of lungs in due time. Regular passing of fluorography allows to reveal infectious diseases in time and to avoid their distribution among people.
It is necessary to study fluorography once a year to each person is more senior than fifteen years.

Health is an indispensable condition for achievement of high sports results. For the purpose of maintenance or recovery of health routine sports medical examinations are required for athletes.

Diagnostics, consultations and support of the state of health, including medical treatment, are a part of complex sports medical care of athletes in elite sport.

Important point in sports medical examination is comprehensive examination of sports suitability. Inspection is necessary for all who want to begin new sport or are already an athlete.

The sports doctor differs from other doctors in what works with healthy people and provides medicobiological preparation to athletes. He also helps to create plans of trainings and food.
Doctors are engaged not only in influence of physical exercises on a healthy organism, but also influence of sport on sick people. Because of increase in such diseases as obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure, sports medicine it is very relevant now.

The sports medicine is medical specialty. On the one hand, sports doctors investigate degree in which the physical activity or lack of physical exercises affect health and efficiency of the person. On the other hand, it is about prevention and treatment of sports injuries, especially in popular sports. Therefore the range of procedures is very wide.