Kolposkopiya is a fast and painless procedure which is carried out on gynecologic survey. Thanks to this method it is possible to find cellular changes of a neck of uterus which need to be investigated in laboratory.

How the kolposkopiya is carried out?

Carrying out inspection is absolute without serious consequences. The purpose of carrying out a kolposkopiya consists in investigating cells of a uterus and to consider changes which will help to find female pathologies and precancerous states.

In the course of the procedure the woman does not feel severe pain, but it is possible that there is a feeling of discomfort. For example, when the doctor washes out a neck of uterus, to normally notice the naggers and burning.

The procedure is carried out in three steps:

Washing by acetic acid: use of a cotton plug with vinegar solution for removal of slime from a vagina to facilitate detection of any anomalies. Sometimes also coloring is carried out by iodine.
Use of color filters: use of the filtered blue or green light leads to the fact that abnormal capillaries become more noticeable for the doctor.
Biopsy of tissue of neck of uterus: samples of fabrics undertake from the struck areas and go for the further analysis. Treatment is defined proceeding from disease severity.

Necks of uterus and a biopsy take with Kolposkopiya from only 5 to 10 minutes.

Kolposkopiya is painless, but you can feel some burning or discomfort during the procedure. Because of use of a mirror and solutions which are applied to execution of the test.

How to be prepared for inspection?

The correct preparation for any procedure is a key to effective results. And it is especially relevant for a kolposkopiya. There are several recommendations which need to be undertaken:

Kolposkopiya has to be carried out in absence or at the end of a menstrual cycle that the gynecologist could see better a neck of uterus.
Do not come into sexual contacts. Within 24 hours before holding a procedure.
Empty a bladder just before a kolposkopiya.
Tell the doctor: if you take any medicine, have an allergy to drugs, you had problems with bleeding, were treated for a vaginal infection.