Diseases of joints, such, as: arthritis, an osteoarthritis, a pseudorheumatism and others, have a considerable impact on quality of life.

At early identification and the correct diagnostics it is possible to prevent progressing of a disease.

Doctors speak about male infertility when the man cannot conceive the child within a year, despite the regular, unprotected sexual intercourse.
In most cases symptoms of infertility at men are not specific. Disturbances of development of spermatozoa or deterioration of sperm belong to common causes.

Many future mothers suffer from abdominal distention.

At pregnancy digestion slows down, and the uterus presses on intestines, especially on late terms more and more. The meteorism and also heartburn or a constipation are result.

Meteorism at pregnancy - not a rarity: hormone progesterone promotes relaxation of smooth muscles, including a muscular layer of a wall of intestines. As a result intestines become sluggish and work more slowly. The organism of the pregnant woman has more time for digestion of nutrients from food pulp, but in the course of digestion in intestines more air can accumulate. Such excess congestion of gases in a digestive tract is called a meteorism or abdominal distention. During pregnancy women need to keep to a diet. Change in food leads to problems with digestion as intestines only gradually get used to a healthy lifestyle. Therefore abdominal distention is the widespread phenomenon, especially at the beginning of pregnancy.

Allergic rhinitis is a reaction of the immune system to allergens in the environment.
The disease is caused by allergens, such as pollen plants, dust, mold, hair of animals. The inflammatory disease mucous a nose can worsen quality of human life considerably. However the correct approach to diagnostics and treatment will help to facilitate symptoms and life of those who suffer from this disease.

Glaucoma is one of the most common causes of a blindness.
Glaucoma is a chronic progressing eye disease which leads to injury of an optic nerve and can lead to loss of sight. Though glaucoma is one of the leading reasons of a blindness, early detection and timely treatment can significantly slow down its progression and help to keep sight.

Tachycardia is a medical term which means increase in the heart rate (pulse) above normal level at rest. So the organism can react to fear, nervousness or to various diseases. Usually the adult's heart at rest fights with frequency from 60 to 100 beats per minute. 

Cardiopalmus reasons

Cardiopalmus can have the different reasons. Tachycardia is often harmless and quickly passes, for example, it can arise when you are excited, have a stress or carry out physical exercises. But sometimes behind it there is a disease. Then the reason is in heart, other body or in external influences.

The urolithiasis is a state at which stones (concrements) in an urinary system, including kidneys, ureters, a bladder or an urethra are formed.

Basic purpose of holterovsky monitoring – identification of possible disturbances of a heart rhythm and their communication with complaints of the patient.
Holterovsky monitoring is a method of functional diagnostics which allows to write down and analyze continuously the electrocardiogram (ECG) of the patient within 24-48 hours.

This method allows to register changes in cardiac performance under natural conditions of life during the usual day of the person. It considerably increases the probability of detection of the latent cardiac pathologies which can not be shown at rest.

Women notice hair on a hairbrush, in plum of a shower or on a pillow.

If you observe problems with a hair loss, it is recommended to address the specialist for assessment of your situation and development of suitable treatment planning.

What is the hair loss?

The braid or thickness of hair seem thinner, than usually. At a late stage head hair considerably thin, generally in the field of the top, a forehead or so-called "high temple".

The Syndrome of Chronic Fatigue (SCF) a chronicity, characterized by fatigue which is not removed after rest and significantly affects quality of life of patients.
The syndrome of chronic fatigue has one feature which distinguishes it from other states — the main symptoms remain even after the long period of rest. Neither small breaks in work, nor change of a situation are capable to eliminate a problem root.

If the throat strongly hurts and there is temperature, often it is tonsillitis or so-called quinsy.

Even at heavy symptoms disease usually takes place harmlessly. Surgical removal of tonsils is required seldom.

Viruses or bacteria are the causes of tonsillitis. The main bacterial activators are streptococci, staphylococcus and pneumococci. Children and teenagers have tonsillitis more often than adults.

Gipolibidemiya - absence or loss of sexual desire.

Decrease in a libido (sexual absence, anafrodiziya, frigidity) — doctors call it lack of sexual desire. Loss of inclination to sex life can be men and at the woman. 

What is a gipolibidemiya?

Lack of sexual desire also it is called hyposexuality or decrease in a libido, can arise at men and women for various reasons. It can occur on a number of the physiological, psychological and sociocultural factors influencing sexual desire.
In the absence of sexual desire there can be both physical, and psikhologo-social reasons. Decrease in a libido can suddenly occur or gradually develop. In many cases the symptom is temporary. Can act as the reasons. For example: