At suspicion on disorder of nervous system it is necessary to see a doctor surely.

Neurologists study diseases of a nervous system of an organism which is subdivided into the central nervous system (CNS) which is consisting of a head and spinal cord, and peripheral, including external nerves of extremities and a trunk and also nervous roots and cranial nerves. As a nervous system is responsible for signaling from a brain on all body, at neurologic inspection the doctor checks all parts of a body and their movement. This long, but painless inspection.

When it is necessary to have examination at the neurologist?

At suspicion on disorder of nervous system it is necessary to see a doctor surely. Can be reasons for reception at the neurologist:

1. Dysfunction of peripheral nerves (neuritis).
2. Migraine, dizziness.
3. Acute disorders of blood circulation in central nervous system (at a stroke).
4. Tumors of a brain or abscesses.
5. Hernias of intervertebral disks.
6. Epilepsy.
7. Central nervous system diseases (for example: multiple sclerosis).
8. Acute inflammation of a brain or protective covers.
9. Metabolic disturbances of peripheral nerves (diabetic polyneuropathy).