Snore affects almost every second adult with age.

Snore (ronkhopatiya) is loud hoarse breath in a dream. Snore affects almost every second adult with age. Usually relaxation of muscles of a throat is during sleep the reason of snore.

What is snore?

Snore is a peculiar low-frequency vibrating sound which people make during sleep at a breath.

At simple (primary) snore patients make the loud snoring sounds which are not followed by an apnoea or frequent awakenings.

Thrombosis most often arises in veins of legs.

Thrombosis is the obstruction of vessels caused by blood clot. Thrombosis most often arises in veins of legs. Important symptoms of thrombosis include hypostasis, pain and reddening or cyanosis of skin. Thrombosis is dangerous that blood clot can come off and get to other bodies.

Understand group of the diseases connected with disturbance of sleep quality, bad backfilling as a sleep disorder.

Main types of sleep disorder

Specialists allocate more than 80 various sleep disorders which can be divided into the main groups on type of complaints:

Insomnia: Difficulties with backfilling, early morning awakenings and chronic uneasy dream. Insomnia is one of the most common forms of sleep disorders.

Sweating protects an organism from overheating.

The person often begins to sweat when he worries or eats spicy food. Also the excessive sweating known as a hyperhidrosis is observed. Possibly also lack of sweating (anhidrosis).

What is the sweating?

Sweating is the natural regulatory mechanism of an organism: it serves for release of excessive heat of a body, but also can be caused by emotional factors, such as nervousness or fear.

Surgeons are engaged in treatment and removal of various diseases and tumors, perform operations on bodies and fabrics, restore the lost functions of an organism and also perform esthetic procedures.
The surgeon helps to restore health and self-confidence that positively affects quality of life.

In the modern world there is a set of types of surgical services. Some of them include removal of tumors, section of intestines, heart operation and vessels, bone and joints operations and also plastic surgeries.

The headache (cephalalgia) is the widespread complaint which affects a large number of people around the world.
They can vary from slight discomfort to severe pain and can prevent daily activity and the general quality of life.

Menstrual pain (dysmenorrhea) is familiar to most of women.

Monthly menstrual spasms are tolerant. But sometimes they become so strong that seriously worsen health and working capacity in everyday life.

What is menstrual pains?

Pain at periods (dysmenorrhea) is a colicy pain in a stomach shortly before and during periods.

Pain can give to a back or legs. Sometimes there are other problems, such as headaches, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting.

Pain arises because of reductions of muscles of a uterus. During periods the body spasmodic is reduced, rejecting a mucous membrane of a uterus which is formed anew every month if fertilization did not happen.

The abdominal pain during pregnancy is unpleasant, but is in most cases absolutely harmless. But there are also symptoms at which it is necessary to see a doctor immediately.

The most common causes of harmless abdominal pains at pregnancy

Pregnancy – great time for a female body: various physical processes which are best preparing an organism for pregnancy and childbirth are set in motion. These changes can lead to various complaints. For example, many women suffer from nausea and vomiting in the first trimester of pregnancy. In process of development of pregnancy there can be constipations, a meteorism or heartburn. Why pregnancy has such impact on digestive tract?

Appendicitis is a disease at which an appendix the appendage of a caecum inflames and swells up.
It is in the lower right part of an abdominal cavity which departs from a wall of a caecum and blindly comes to an end. At inflammation only the vermiform appendage is surprised.

Appendicitis is possible at any age, but the disease meets often aged from 10 till 30 flyings. Knowledge of symptoms and symptoms of appendicitis is necessary in time to ask for medical care and to prevent complications.

The lactose intolerance is a form of food intolerance.

People with a lactose intolerance do not transfer milk and dairy products or transfer them badly. The reason – fermental insufficiency. The most common symptoms of a lactose intolerance are abdominal distention, spasms in a stomach and diarrhea.

Everyone once had a dorsodynia. Often it very unpleasant also prevents normal activity. Therefore it is important to know what to do if severe pains in spin developed.

How to facilitate the state independently

The dorsodynia can be caused by various reasons, including the wrong bearing, long sitting, a trauma, a lack of physical activity or obesity.

Only several decades ago hymenorrhaphy (restoration of a hymen), was absolutely inconceivable.
The hymen is a part of a mucous membrane of a vagina which completely or only partially covers an entrance to a vagina. Skin is often broken off after the first sexual intercourse.

Who suits hymenorrhaphy

Hymenorrhaphy suits women who suffer from psychological problems after the undesirable sexual act, rape, sports or accidents with the subsequent damage of a hymen. Which often lead to a low self-assessment or decrease in self-confidence.