Biochemical analysis of blood is an important method of a research, used in medicine for assessment of functioning of an organism.
This analysis provides information on various indicators reflecting a condition of bodies and the systems of an organism and also helps with diagnostics of various diseases. 

Key indicators of biochemical analysis of blood

Crude protein: it is the general concentration of protein in blood which includes albumine and globulins. Normal level of crude protein in blood is about 60.0 - 80.0 g/l. Changes in the level of crude protein can indicate existence of inflammatory states, dehydrations or abnormal liver functions.

Albumine: these are the main proteins synthesized by a liver. They play an important role in maintenance of colloid osmotic pressure and transportation of various substances in an organism. Normal level of albumine in blood is about 35.0 - 52.0 g/l.

Glucose: it is the main source of energy for an organism. Normal level of glucose in blood is about 4.0 - 6.0 mmol/l. High level of glucose can testify existence of diabetes or other disturbances of exchange of carbohydrates.

Urea: it is an end product of exchange of protein. The norm of urea in blood is usually 2.5 - 8.3 mmol/l. The increased levels of urea can indicate a renal failure or dehydration.

Creatinine: it is a product of exchange of creatine in muscles. Normal level of creatinine in blood depends on gender and age. The norm for women is 44.0 to – 80.0 µmol/l, and men have 62.0 - 106.0 µmol/l.

Alaninaminotranspherase (ALT) and Aspartate aminotransferase (nuclear heating plant): these are the enzymes which are present at liver cells.

Norm ALT for women up to 32.0 Pieces/l, and for men up to 40.0 Pieces/l.

Norm of nuclear heating plant for women of dl of 33.0 Pieces/l, and for men up to 45.0 Pieces/l.

Alkaline phosphatase: it is the enzyme which is present at many body tissues: in a liver, bones and bilious channels. The norm is SHCHF up to 140.0.

Cholesterol: this zhiropodobny substance necessary for normal functioning of an organism. The norm of cholesterol in blood is 5.2 - 6.5 mmol/l. High level of cholesterol are connected with risk of development of cardiovascular diseases.

Bilirubin: it is the pigment which is formed as a result of destruction of erythrocytes. The general level in blood is usually less than 3.4 - 17.1 µmol/l, a straight line to 3.4 µmol/l. The raised bilirubin indicates disturbances of a liver or gall bladder.

Amylase: is enzyme which participates in splitting of carbohydrates. It is made in a pancreas and a mucous membrane of a mouth and intestines. The general amylase in a blood plasma usually is in range of 30.0 - 100.0 Pieces/l. The increased levels of amylase can indicate morbid condition of a pancreas, such as pancreatitis or diseases of bilious channels.

Potassium: is the important electrolyte necessary for normal functioning of cells and maintenance of balance of water. Normal level of potassium in blood is 3.50-5.0 mmol/l.

Sodium: also important mineral which is carrying out a role in maintenance of osmotic pressure, regulation of a water balance and normal function of a nervous system. Normal level of sodium in blood usually is from 135 to 145 mmol/l.

Interpretation of results after delivery of blood test to be carried out by the doctor, considering the general clinical condition of the patient, his medical history and other factors.