Snore affects almost every second adult with age.
Snore (ronkhopatiya) is loud hoarse breath in a dream. Snore affects almost every second adult with age. Usually relaxation of muscles of a throat is during sleep the reason of snore.
What is snore?
Snore is a peculiar low-frequency vibrating sound which people make during sleep at a breath.
At simple (primary) snore patients make the loud snoring sounds which are not followed by an apnoea or frequent awakenings.
Apnoea of a dream are short pauses in breath during sleep. Usually the narrowed upper airways are the reasons.
If snore becomes constant and the apnoea, fatigue is followed by other symptoms in the afternoon, for example, insomnia or the complicated breath, is recommended to see a doctor.
What helps from snore?
Various house means and advice will help to get rid of simple snore.
House snore medicines. Sometimes simple snore can be prevented by means of simple measures:
1. Avoid alcohol intake in two hours prior to a dream. Muscles relax even more, and it reduces ability to breathe.
2. Whenever possible avoid sedatives, hypnotic drugs and allergy medicine (antihistaminic drugs). They have the same ffekt, as alcohol.
3. Try not to sleep on spin. If you do not like to sleep on one side, it is the best of all to lay down on a back, having slightly raised an upper body. Here the wedge-shaped pillow can help.
If symptoms remain a long time, do not improve or even worsen, it is necessary to see a doctor surely.
When to it is necessary to see a doctor?
If snore loud and regular, it is desirable to see a doctor as soon as possible. It is the only way to exclude the increased risk for health. Depending on the snore reason the doctor can offer various methods of treatment, including change of a way of life, purpose of special devices.
Also it is necessary to see a doctor if you suffer from chronic fatigue. Even if you sleep long enough (from six to eight hours) at night. The apnoea in a dream can constitute health hazard.
If your child snores, it is necessary to see a doctor. The increased pharyngeal tonsils, palatine tonsils or polyps of a nose cause snore which demands treatment.