Prenatal diagnostics includes the voluntary examinations conducted before childbirth. Uses of various methods will help to reveal existence of anomalies of a fruit at future child on early terms.

What opportunities does prenatal diagnostics give?

"Healthy kid!" always was the main wish of all future parents. Modern prenatal diagnostics gives the chance to obtain exact information on development of the kid. This diagnostics serves for identification of disturbances of development and anomalies at future child at an early stage to have an opportunity to begin treatment and to prevent complications.

Conducting pregnancy, in addition to usual gynecologic surveys and ultrasonographies, includes invasive and noninvasive methods of prenatal diagnostics.

Prenatal diagnostics: methods

Prenatal diagnostics includes both noninvasive, and invasive methods. Noninvasive methods are not connected with any intervention in an organism of mother and the child. Treat them:

1. 3D-UZI.
2. Blood test.
3. Screening, in the first trimester.

Above-mentioned methods bear in themselves minimal risks, but do not allow to diagnose a disease authentically. Therefore in case of anomalies invasive examinations have to be conducted. They are more exact. Treat invasive methods of prenatal diagnostics:

1. Selection of fibers of chorion
2. Amniocentesis
3. Umbilical cord puncture (kordotsentez)

Prenatal diagnostics – pluses and minuses

The concern about health of the child forces many pregnant women to seize the opportunities of prenatal diagnostics.

It is necessary to consider that doctors can find malformations, disability, hereditary diseases or chromosomal damages in future child.

Parents have to consider the next moments at decision-making: for or against prenatal diagnostics:

Any invasive diagnostics bears in itself risk. Sometimes the probability of complications is higher, than at the disabled child.

Some results of the undergone inspection demand time which couples often test in fear and a stressful state.

Eventually each pregnant woman (together with the partner) has to study advantages and shortcomings and also individual ethical aspects of prenatal diagnostics.