The sports doctor differs from other doctors in what works with healthy people and provides medicobiological preparation to athletes. He also helps to create plans of trainings and food.
Doctors are engaged not only in influence of physical exercises on a healthy organism, but also influence of sport on sick people. Because of increase in such diseases as obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure, sports medicine it is very relevant now.

The sports medicine is medical specialty. On the one hand, sports doctors investigate degree in which the physical activity or lack of physical exercises affect health and efficiency of the person. On the other hand, it is about prevention and treatment of sports injuries, especially in popular sports. Therefore the range of procedures is very wide.

What complaints does the sports doctor treat?

The treatment range in sports medicine includes a set of various illnesses. The main attention is paid to damages and injuries, such as:

1. Meniscus injuries.
2. Rupture of a crucial ligament and also rupture of internal and external sheaves on a knee or ankle joint.
3. Shoulder injuries.
4. Tendinitis.
5. Epicondylitis of an elbow joint.
6. Stressful (fatigue) changes.
7. Chronic fatigue because of overtraining.
8. The heart troubles connected with trainings.

These diseases doctors from other disciplines can also treat. But the sports doctor specializes in the field of sports science. He gives to the patients purposeful advice how to avoid recurrent sports injuries. Also creates plans of trainings, distinguishes unhealthy movements and damages of a bearing, appoints treatment.

If you like to play much sports independently, it is desirable to undergo profound medical examination once a year. Thus, overloads and the wrong trainings will be found at an early stage before they lead to problems. Such check of health of amateur athletes includes: consultation of the therapist and sports doctor, carrying out functional trials, interpretation and interpretation of an electrocardiography and also veloergometriya. For the last the ECG under loading is used.