The Syndrome of Chronic Fatigue (SCF) a chronicity, characterized by fatigue which is not removed after rest and significantly affects quality of life of patients.
The syndrome of chronic fatigue has one feature which distinguishes it from other states — the main symptoms remain even after the long period of rest. Neither small breaks in work, nor change of a situation are capable to eliminate a problem root.

Causes of illness

SHU reasons are up to the end not studied, however researches show that various factors can influence development of this syndrome. It is possible to distinguish from the basic alleged causes:

1. Chronic diseases.
2. Viral infections.
3. The weakened immunity.
4. Diseases of the immune system.
5. Psychological and emotional factors: stress, alarm and depression.

Symptoms of a syndrome of chronic fatigue

The main symptoms of SHU are:

1. Patients feel fatigue which is not removed rest and proceeds within six months or longer.
2. Problems with concentration, memory impairment, attention, speech.
3. Pains: muscle and joints pain, headaches, dizziness and instability when walking.
4. Sleep disorders, concern and depressive mood.

Treatment of a syndrome of chronic fatigue

Medicamentous therapy. The doctor can appoint medicines which will help to lower symptoms and to improve the general condition of the patient.

Psychological support also plays an important role in treatment of SHU. Patients with this syndrome can suffer from psychological problems, including alarm and a depression. Consultation of the psychologist or other specialist will help the patient to cope with emotional difficulties.

Gradual increase in physical activity reduces fatigue level.

Change of a way of life. Healthy food, management of a stress, a regular dream and rest give positive effect. It is important to establish borders and to find balance between work and rest to lower load of an organism and to increase energy.