Food allergy at children becomes more and more widespread problem affecting a great number of children.
It arises in response to a certain foodstuff, causing various symptoms and problems in children. 

The most widespread allergens causing food allergy in children are:

1. Dairy products.
2. Eggs: especially ovalbumin is one of the most widespread allergens at children.
3. Grain products.
4. Nuts and peanut: Peanuts, almonds, nuts, a filbert and other nuts are strong allergens and can cause allergic reactions in children.
5. Fish and seafood: Fish, shrimps, crabs and other seafood.

Symptoms of food allergy at children

Food allergy can be shown by a wide range of symptoms, including:

1. Skin manifestations (rash, itch).
2. Diarrhea.
3. Abdominal pain.
4. Nausea, vomiting.
5. Meteorism.
6. Quincke's disease.

It is important to distinguish food allergy from food intolerance and other states to provide exact diagnostics and the corresponding treatment.

Diagnostics of food allergy

For diagnostics of food allergy the doctor can use a combination of clinical examination, medical history and special tests. It can include test with an exception of foodstuff of a diet, carrying out skin tests for allergens and immunoassays, such as general and specific IgE tests. 

Approaches to treatment of children's food allergy

Treatment of children's food allergy consists of an exception of the main allergens of the child's diet. For this purpose it is necessary to consult with the pediatrician, the allergist or the nutritionist. The main goal of treatment - to prevent contact with allergens and to facilitate symptoms at the child.

One of the main approaches to treatment of food allergy is a strict observance of a bezglyutenovy or delactosed diet, depending on the concrete allergens causing reaction. It is important to study carefully the products containing allergens and to exclude them from the child's diet.

Ways of treatment can differ depending on weight of allergic reaction and specific features of each child. Therefore it is important to get advice at qualified specialists to develop the most effective and safe treatment planning.