Heel pain in the mornings - the first symptom of a calcaneal spur. Read in our article in more detail

The calcaneal spur or plantar fasciitis is one of the most frequent reasons of scelalgias. There is a little statistics, every year around the world the diagnosis "calcaneal spur" is confirmed at 1,000,000 people worldwide.

How does the disease prove?

The calcaneal spur, as appears from the name is shown in the form of an acute pain in a heel, some patients note that pain is similar to as though inside the needle got stuck. First pain develops only in the morning, after awakening as soon as the patient gets on feet. Then during the day pain decreases, but usually returns again.

What is a calcaneal spur - it is a thin sinew which begins from a heel, passes on the lower part of foot and is attached to toes. Normal this sinew serves as the shock-absorber. when walking, the regular overstrain can become the inflammation reason.

Risk factors of development of a calcaneal spur:

1. age from 40 to 60 years
2. kind of activity: dancers ballets, professional athletes: runners, jumpers, and all sports which are connected with the raised loadings and also at heavy professional activity which is connected with regular stay standing
3. flat-footedness, this disturbance is connected with increase in load of a fascia
4. excess weight and obesity, especially, when at the decision to lose weight patients with an excess weight begin to run, before the running trainings it is necessary to lose weight to a safe mark

If long time you ignore such scelalgia, then the pain syndrome can become chronic, the gait will change, and problems in an ankle, knees or in a backbone as a result can appear.

Treatment methods which are applied at a calcaneal spur

1. orthopedic insoles by the individual order taking into account anatomic features of foot of the patient
2. refusal of wearing footwear on a flat sole
3. shock and wave therapy

Medicamentous therapy or special exercises can be in certain cases appointed.