Collecting blood is a medical procedure at which take a blood sample from the patient. Depending on that how many blood is required and for what purpose it is necessary, different methods of an intake of the analysis are used.
Blood test is one of significant methods most diagnostically in medicine. The quantitative structure of separate firm components of blood is compared to reference values and normal ranges.

The blood analysis can give important information on risk factors of development of a disease, activity and sharpness of process. Besides, blood test is way of an exception of a large number of possible diseases.

Blood test can be made for the following reasons:

1. Medical examination.
2. Specification (confirmation or exception) of the expected diagnosis.
3. The subsequent control in case of the confirmed disease.
4. Assessment of success of therapy.
5. Assessment of further disease (forecast).

What needs to be done before blood donation?

Before appointing to make blood test, the attending physician has to make a careful choice from a large number of available laboratory tests — in blood and other liquids of an organism there are thousands of various parameters. It depends on the corresponding medical indication.

Before blood donation it is necessary to observe the following instructions, for correctness of result of a research.

Time of collecting blood: ideally in the morning between 7:00 and 9:00.

For some inspections the patient has to make tests on an empty stomach (for example, for determination of level of sugar in blood). On the eve of nothing it is impossible to eat after 8 o'clock in the evening. In the morning before blood sampling it is allowed to drink a small amount of water or unsweetened tea. It is also best of all to avoid sweeteners, it is impossible to exclude that they do not influence a metabolism.

Consult with the doctor whether you need to stop drug intake before taking a blood test. Important: do not stop drug intake independently.

Why blood draw is done on an empty stomach?

Why it is important to measure certain values in blood on an empty stomach? First of all for the best reliability of analyses.

If to make blood sampling to the patient who ate before testing, the doctor will not be able correctly to estimate results of a research. On reception at the doctor it is necessary to specify whether it is necessary to make the test on a hungry stomach. In case of affirmative answer, it is better to specify what can be eaten.