Basic purpose of holterovsky monitoring – identification of possible disturbances of a heart rhythm and their communication with complaints of the patient.
Holterovsky monitoring is a method of functional diagnostics which allows to write down and analyze continuously the electrocardiogram (ECG) of the patient within 24-48 hours.

This method allows to register changes in cardiac performance under natural conditions of life during the usual day of the person. It considerably increases the probability of detection of the latent cardiac pathologies which can not be shown at rest.

When appoint a holter to heart

Holterovsky monitoring is appointed in the following cases:

1. In the presence of complaints to heartbeat, disturbance of a warm rhythm, feeling of "blinking" of heart or its wrong reductions. These symptoms can be symptoms of arrhythmias, such as ciliary arrhythmia, premature ventricular contraction or heart blocks.
2. For control of efficiency of the carried-out treatment of arrhythmias and assessment of effects of the taken drugs.
3. At a research of patients with suspicion on coronary insufficiency, stenocardia or a myocardial infarction. Holterovsky monitoring allows to reveal the changes in an ECG connected with heart ischemia, during the day.
4. At patients with an idiopathic hypertensia, especially at appearance of dizzinesses, nausea, losses of consciousness or delays of a warm rhythm. In such cases holterovsky monitoring helps to define whether these symptoms are a consequence of disturbances of a warm rhythm.
5. For assessment of impact of an exercise stress on cardiac performance. Holterovsky monitoring can be carried out in combination with loading tests to investigate reaction of heart to physical activity.

Symptoms which can indicate carrying out this research the need are:

1. Constant or periodic feeling of fast or unusual serdtsebiyeniye.
2. The feeling of admissions or intermittence of serdtsebiyeniye can also indicate existence of arrhythmias.
3. Syncope or loss of consciousness. If the patient faced an episode of a loss of consciousness which can be caused by arrhythmia, then holterovsky monitoring will help to record these episodes and to define their reason.