Eye drop

All products what group it would not represent, will meet the general requirements. Already by the production of drops special technologies are used, they also promote penetration in several minutes of active agents to internal offices of an eyeglobe through an eye conjunctiva.

Also the sensitivity of tissues of eyes therefore the distilled water acts as a basis of drops is considered, and the amount of active components is minimized.

Antiseptic and antiinflammatory drops eliminate reddenings, calm and stabilize a condition of fabrics of front departments of eyes. Pathogenic bacteriums can cause a keratitis, a uveitis, conjunctivitis, and these means these diseases treat. We can distinguish diclofenac, a sulfacetamide from products of this group, zinc sulfate, albucid, a sulfacetamide of sodium and others.

It is possible to distinguish from antiallergic drops alomid, kromogeksat, Ketotifenum and others. It is necessary to apply them at emergence of symptoms of an allergy. Hypostasis, burning, an itch, reddening are distinguished from symptoms. But these products cannot treat allergic diseases, they only eliminate their symptoms. If it is about treatment of a serious allergic illness, then drops which part the hydrocortisone, dexamethasone, corticosteroids is are used. But their use is allowed only after consultation with the ophthalmologist as drugs serious.