Gipolibidemiya - absence or loss of sexual desire.

Decrease in a libido (sexual absence, anafrodiziya, frigidity) — doctors call it lack of sexual desire. Loss of inclination to sex life can be men and at the woman. 

What is a gipolibidemiya?

Lack of sexual desire also it is called hyposexuality or decrease in a libido, can arise at men and women for various reasons. It can occur on a number of the physiological, psychological and sociocultural factors influencing sexual desire.
In the absence of sexual desire there can be both physical, and psikhologo-social reasons. Decrease in a libido can suddenly occur or gradually develop. In many cases the symptom is temporary. Can act as the reasons. For example:

1. pregnancy or childbirth;
2. menopause;
3. shortage of testosterone;
4. heart disease and vessels;
5. diabetes;
6. cirrhosis or renal failure;
7. depression;
8. stress.
9. Reasons of decrease in a libido

There are many reasons for which desire of sexual intercourse decreases. Possible reasons:

1. Vascular and heart diseases can worsen sexual desire.
2. Neurologic frustration. Sometimes the diseases affecting a nervous system are the reason of loss of a libido (for example, a stroke or multiple sclerosis).
3. Diabetes can also promote that the person practically has no sexual desire.
4. Cirrhosis. Usually the chronic alcohol abuse is the reason. A frequent consequence of cirrhosis is decrease in a libido because of liver dysfunction as synthesis of sex hormones ceases to work properly.
5. Depression. Sometimes the lack of sexual desire is a depression symptom.
6. Drug intake can weaken sexual desire. Contraceptive tablets, antihypertensive drugs, diuretics, heart drugs, etc. concern them.
7. Social reasons.

When the help of the doctor is necessary?

The address to the doctor is necessary if total loss of sexual desire is observed or there are other symptoms which can indicate a serious disease.