The varicosity takes a leading place among diseases in recent years. Often people do not perceive varicosity symptoms seriously, neglecting treatment and visit of the phlebologist.

In order to avoid surgical intervention, a varicosity it is necessary to reveal and begin in due time treatment at initial stages. In LIFE clinic phlebologists, by means of modern methods of early diagnostics and treatment, will help to avoid operational intervention.

What is the phlebologist engaged in?

Phlebology – medical science which is concentrated on studying of diseases of veins. This science is engaged in diagnostics and treatment of a venous system, including a varicosity.

Veins – the vessels bearing blood from the periphery to heart. Veins differ by the size and diameter, have valves or thin shutters of valves which open to allow blood to climb a vascular bed and are closed to prevent its current of the return. At a disease of veins operation of the valve device of veins is broken, there is a deformation of vessels.

Symptoms at a varicosity such, as: pain and fatigue, hypostases standing. Therapy varies from medicinal therapy before intervention by means of injections and expeditious removal varicose of expanded veins.

The phlebologist is the doctor specializing in treatment of diseases of veins, such as: varicosity, phlebitis or venous insufficiency.

When it is necessary to address on reception the phlebologist?

Venous pathologies equally affect men and women.

Ideally you should address the specialist when you notice the most precursory symptoms and symptoms of a disease of veins:

· Weight in legs.
· Hypostasis or a swelling at the end of the day.
· Frequent spasms of legs.
· Pricking.
· Syndrome of "uneasy legs"
· Skin discoloration.
· Ulcers standing (not healing wounds).
· Telangiectasias (vascular asterisks).

These symptoms can be mistakenly taken for the general exhaustion or aging therefore most of people address phlebologists when symptoms become aggravated.

If you noticed above-mentioned symptoms, probability is high that you have a chronic venous insufficiency.

Venous insufficiency is a disturbance of blood circulation at which valves of veins are not closed because of what blood flows back and collects in veins of legs. The continuing accumulation of blood in veins of legs leads to vasodilatation that finally leads to vascular asterisks, a varicosity and other signs and symptoms of a disease of veins.

Vascular asterisks are the most noticeable symptoms of a disease of veins. These are the dense congestions of blood vessels seen on the surface of skin. If blood continues to accumulate in veins, excessive vasodilatation can lead to a varicosity, i.e. veins which act over the surface of skin in the form of the dense mass of the confused, twisted and knotty blood vessels also. It is a signal - it is necessary to address the phlebologist.

Timely treatment, will help to facilitate and remove disease symptoms at an early stage. The excessive phlebectasia can lead to a rupture of blood vessels that will lead to plentiful bleeding. The lack of effective blood circulation can lead to formation of not healing wounds standing. The collected blood in veins of legs can turn into the hardened blood clots, lead to a deep vein thrombosis. You need to address the specialist if you notice any of signs and symptoms of a disease of veins, as soon as possible!