Our knee joints maintain every day huge loading, in this article we will tell as to preserve them for long years

We are sure that none of our patients want to lose mobility of knee joints with age and to crackle them therefore in this article we will tell how to keep knee joints?

Each knee joint maintains every day enormous loading – the weight of our body. Therefore he is so vulnerable and demands to himself careful attitude.

And promotes wear of knees:

1. sports activities without the correct preparation and equipment;
2. raising of weights;
3. weak sheaves (flat-footedness);
4. irrational food (it is a lot of fats, preservatives, sweet and it is not enough vitamins);
5. disbolism.

Therefore to keep the joints for many years, and together do not forget to keep also the activity and ease about the following recommendations:

1. playing sports increase loading gradually, you should not break the Olympic records on the first visit to the gym
2. the huge role in support of knees is played by muscles therefore strengthen them correctly by means of competent performance of all exercises
3. do not forget to use sports equipment if that rules of the sport chosen by you – soccer demand, single combats, boxing, hockey, even the tennis and basketball have certain requirements to equipment
4. when receiving any trauma do not forget about the recovery period, ideally you the doctor has to supervise all this time
5. at the diagnosis "flat-footedness" before any occupations consult with the doctor the traumatologist-orthopedist, perhaps individual orthopedic insoles are necessary for you